A Treadmill Stress Test (TMT) is a stress test conducted while walking on a treadmill during an Electro Cardiogram (ECG). The TMT testing compares blood circulation in your heart when resting and under optimum physical pressure.

This treadmill test evaluates how your heart responds to physical activity. Your electrocardiogram and blood pressure are monitored for any indications of cardiovascular disease. A baseline test is recommended beginning at age 45 (men)/ 50 (women) for patients with risk factors for premature arteriosclerosis – diabetes, cigarette smoking, significant hypercholesterolemia and a family history of heart attacks at a young age. This test is also helpful if you are beginning a fitness program. Others start at age 50.

The TMT test helps diagnose heart conditions and see how well your heart handles the workload. Your doctor might suggest you a TMT test if you are undergoing heart surgery, heart treatment, or starting some vigorous exercise program.